I am so excited to be here. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to now be working with families and helping them solve their sleep problems. It wasn’t long ago that I was in your shoes. I was that exhausted mom, the one who didn’t think she would ever get more then 2 ½ hours of sleep in a row again. And those were the good nights! I even remember telling my mother-in-law how I was so thankful that C (my oldest) was back to just getting up every 3 hours around the clock. That was a whole lot better than what had been happening before. It was a drastic improvement from being up 20-30 times a night, every night, usually just to replace a silly soother! So, please know you are not alone. I have been there and know what you’re going through. I am here to tell you that better sleep can be just around the corner.

A little about me:

I married my high school sweetheart and am the mother to two gorgeous little girls, C and G. C will be three soon and G’s first birthday is right around the corner. It is crazy how fast the time goes now isn’t it?! I live in Chestermere Alberta; born and raised in Calgary. I love to cook, to try new recipes, and to get outdoors. Nutrition and fitness are both a big part of my life; so don’t be surprised when a fitness blog post comes around. 

Back to sleep:

I’m hoping to connect with parents just like you. I mean, really connect. I will share my knowledge and my point of view here and I welcome you to contact me.  Whatever that means to you, whether that means you write me an email or just comment on my posts; I want to hear from you. We are in this together and with some commitment and hard work we can change your life. 

Talk soon, sweet dreams…
