
A 60-minute zoom call where I deep dive into your child’s sleep situation to find the REAL reason why your child isn’t sleeping well, and more importantly, HOW to fix it.

Two email check-ins. One 3 days, and another 7 days after our call to make any changes, provide advice and to make sure we are on the right track.

Access to the sleep log template I use with my students and 1:1 clients for you to use as long as you’d like and as your child grows. I will ask you to track your child’s sleep patterns for 7 days after our call. This will allow us to reach our sleep goals and see success.

For parents with children 0-6 years old. However, to get the best bang for your buck, you should have independent sleep established. If you haven’t started independent sleep yet, no problem! Contact me, and we will get you started on a 2-week 1:1 plan, or you can enroll in my DIY course