Mama, I hear you. 

Baby sleep can be complicated. And with so many resources available to us now, it can feel downright impossible to know how to fix our child’s sleep. You just want to be told what to do and how to do it! Enter me: I love telling people what to do 😉 

Jokes aside – I truly will take out all the guesswork and give you a clear and concise plan on how to get that sweet baby of yours sleeping well for once and for all. Best part? I can be there every step of the way.

I tell my clients that already by bedtime on night 2 (2!) on the plan we are already seeing significant changes, and by night 3 we are seeing the light. Our babies can learn so incredibly fast if we give them the tools and the space to do so. You baby was born to do this!

Go ahead and explore my packages below and together this will be a successful and positive experience for your child and for the whole family. You will look back and wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.

If you’re ready to start, I would love to connect! Click here to book your discovery call. I simply cannot wait to meet you.

3 - 18 MONTHS

  • 2 Week Support
  • Full access to The No B.S Baby Sleep Blueprint – my step-by-step comprehensive digital sleep plan.
  • 45-minute zoom consultation where we discuss the plan and gear up for night 1 together. I make sure to address any questions or concerns you may have before we begin.
  • 14 days of daily support where I review your sleep log, and make any necessary changes to the plan as we go along. Daily support includes 2 checks ins per day, one in the am and one in the pm, 7 days a week. I am in MST. Checks-ins are done through an app called Voxer (think text, voice notes, videos, pictures etc!)
  • 3-30 minute phone calls to use within the 14 day support period.


  • 2 Week Support
  • Initial questionnaire filled out by you providing me with the necessary information I need to create your child’s sleep plan.
  • 75-minute zoom consultation where we discuss the plan and gear up for night 1 together. I make sure to address any questions or concerns you may have before we begin.
  • 14 days of daily support where I review your sleep log, and make any necessary changes to the plan as we go along. Daily support includes 2 checks ins per day, one in the am and one in the pm, 7 days a week. I am in MST. Checks-ins are done through an app called Voxer (think text, voice notes, videos, pictures etc!)
  • 3-30 minute phone calls to use within the 14 day support period.


  • Strategy Session
  • 60-minute zoom call where I deep dive in your child’s sleep situation to find the REAL reason why your child isn’t sleep well, and more importantly how to fix it.
  • Two email check ins. One 3 days, and another 7 days after our call to make any changes, provide advice and to make sure we are on the right track.
  • Access to the sleep log template I use with my students and 1:1 clients for you to use as long as you’d like and as your child grows. I will ask you to track your child’s sleep patterns for 7 days after our call. This will allow us to reach our sleep goals and see success.
  • PLEASE NOTE: I HIGHLY suggest that you have independent sleep already established. If you haven’t yet, no worries! Let’s get you started on a daily support package instead, or enroll in my course.
I wouldn’t believe this if it hadn’t happened to me personally. I can’t recommend Christine enough she is quickly to respond, really understands the nuances of baby sleep patterns and worked with us to build our baby’s sleep plan. If you are still considering to sleep train don’t wait and contact Christine today!
Shelley Collins
Christine is a life-saver. I was a sleep-deprived zombie until Christine came along. Sleep had been elusive since our baby girl was born. I truly could not be more grateful – I got my life back and am actually enjoying my maternity leave now. I now get to relish my time with my daughter more because I can be more present (and literally awake) with her – rather than stumbling along in a daze through each day. If you are on the fence about getting help from a sleep consultant – you seriously shouldn’t think twice about it and reach out to Christine, you’ll wish you had done it sooner.
Kyla Angeles-Bernabe
Christine was an absolute pleasure to work with. She knew how to handle us, as much as the baby – she was our biggest cheerleader and helped us get through the hard parts with ease (nap times!). We couldn’t have gotten where we are today without her.
This course should be a requirement for all new parents – you have so much time back for yourself while your baby is sleeping so peacefully and all the more smiles and cuddles while they are awake 🙂
Davida Loizias

Christine you’ve been amazing. We’ve learned so much and never thought we’d be able to sleep through the night again! Shaela and I had our doubts from past experiences with other sleep consultants, as you know, but you didn’t let that phase you and you literally crushed all our expectations. You were not only knowledgeable and confident in your plans but you were so good at talking us through the difficult spots. We chose to go with you because of your amazing reviews and it is such a relief that THE HYPE WAS REAL. A million times thank you.

Gio Saccomani
Three days. THREE DAYS! And my son slept through the night! In 3 days, kiddo became a different kid. He was happier. He ate better. His whole world changed! In 3 days, my hubby and I became a whole new parents. We were happier. We ate better. We could sleep again! Christine changed our whole families sleep game. It took us ONE phone call. TWO weeks of following her sleep rules. We are now 5 months later, and kiddo is still killin’ it, naps and nights!
Lindz Gurevitch